Thursday, September 11, 2008


Just wanted to write a small rememberance for this day! I was 18 years old and living in Logan, UT getting ready for class when I first heard about what had happened to the Twin Towers. I had never been to NY and at the time didn't really contemplate the significance of this day. I began to fully understand what had happened to our country and was very saddened by that fact.

Each year I more fully understand the huge significance of this day and just want to thank all those that are fighting, were fighting, and have fought for my freedom. To those who have lost brothers, sisters, daughters, sons, mother, fathers, mom's, dad's, aunts, uncles, friends, or any other family member's I am deeply sorry for your loss and want you to know we think about each of you everyday and are so grateful for you and your friends and family member's.

So Thank you and may we always remember this day!

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