Tuesday, June 28, 2011

::Summer Will Be my Death::

i have had my official 'school' breakdown hit me. summer semester has been tough on me. i can't get into the groove of the summer semester and all i want to do is lay by the pool but i can't.

i was sitting in class this morning listening to my teacher talk about everything that is due in the next few weeks. my mind has been telling me 'it's ok you have until august 4th to get everything done no need to rush' ... well mind you were wrong i only have until july 19 and let me just tell you how far behind i am on everything.

to top it all off i have a super cute client in clinic and i have no idea what i am doing with said client and i am pretty sure i am making no difference in said clients life :( yep sure have cried about 57 times over said client's cuteness and my inability to be a successful clinician.

only 1 more month and i can lay on the beach for 1 whole week with zero worries!!!!!

1 comment:

mallory said...

I feel you. This semester is pure death