I went in to this meeting with one thought and zero expectations ... I thought to myself: What if he tells me I have to retake my whole first Bachelor degree, then what would I do? Because let me tell you that just didn't seem reasonable to me but it was a possibility that he might suggest so I had to be prepared.
The meeting started out ok he just asked me some questions and of course my degree in Sociology loomed its ugly head. I didn't hide behind anything I told him how it was and that at that point in my life I wasn't 100% sure college was for me but my parents wanted me to have the degree, I then informed him (with big alligator tears in my eyes!) that I have changed and Speech is what I want to do and I need to know how I can do that. (If you don't know I can't work as a Speech Pathologist without a Master's degree so this is an issue!)
Well, much to my surprise we talked a little more about why speech, what I have been doing this past year, and how I plan to do in Graduate school .. this man (My Savior as I now refer to him!) looked me in the eye and said ........
UH ... WHAT??? I just sat there and stared at him and he finally said "Are you going to say anything?" I looked at him and said the only thing that was on my mind at that particular moment "I just need to know what classes to retake to get in next year." Uh hello Cherise, he has just accepted you and this is what you say, what are you a moron???
When I finally recovered from the shock of it all, I mean who has the power to do that?? He proceeded to explain to me that he knows I can do this, that on paper in front of a committee with 170+ applicants I don't make the cut but my diligence (fancy word for pest) and my commitment shows him that I can make this work. So needless to say April 15, 2010 will be a day in my world that I remember forever, this was a day that someone finally took a chance on me and had faith that I could this! There are many many many people that thought that all along but after 7 rejections one tends to get a little down on themselves!
I start school again on August 23, 2010 and work for 1 year and 9 months to complete my Master's of Science in Communication, Science, and Disorders and I couldn't be more excited, overwhelmed, nervous, anxious and everything inbetween! This has been a roller coaster of 3 months of applications, tons and tons of money, lots of heart ache and in the end all it took was one man to have the faith in me and here we are ... going back to school, racking up student loans, and starting a brand new adventure in our lives! I can't wait and I promise to keep you all posted (if I ever have time to blog again!)
(Here is my acceptance letter!!!)
That's awesome! So are you done at the school or will you still work there? Congrats!
I will decide about the school's once I get going in the program. I won't be able to keep both maybe (hopefully) I can still work at one of them tho! Thanks I'm really excited!
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